Resolution 2018-19: Protect Our Tribal Members from Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Substance Abuse

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference’s Mission is to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development, and culture of the Interior Alaska Native people; and WHEREAS, the Interior region’s rates of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and child rape are some of the highest in the nation; and WHEREAS, protecting …

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Resolution 2018-18: Obtain Full Health Funding and Protect Medicaid Funding for the Alaska Tribal Health System

WHEREAS, the United States has a federal trust relationship to Alaska Natives and Alaska Natives tribes based in the US Constitution and reaffirmed in federal statutes including the Snyder Act of 1921, the Indian Self-Determination Act, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and the Indian Child Welfare Act; and WHEREAS, services made available to Alaska Natives because of our political …

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Resolution 2018-07: Advocacy and Support for Permanent Reauthorization and Compact Funding for Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI)

WHEREAS, the Special Diabetes Program for Indian (SDPI) was established by Congress in 1997 to combat the diabetes epidemic among Alaska Natives and American Indians; and WHEREAS, the Special Diabetes Program for Indians is grant funded through the Indian Health Service and requires re-authorization by Congress every couple of years, with an annual nation-wide budget of $150 million that has not seen …

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Resolution 2018-02: Youth Centers In The TCC Region Villages

WHEREAS, many villages do not have a facility to house a youth center and/or have a facility but lack funding to support a youth center program; and WHEREAS, youth will have a place to socialize and interact with each other in a positive environment; and  WHEREAS, youth center staff can mentor youth and be a support system; and WHEREAS, youth centers can lead to …

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Anvik Culture Camp 2017

Anvik Spirit Camp This camp was at an established spirit camp located at Bonzilla that started several decades ago. The cultural focus of the camp was on moose hunting, cutting, and processing meat, catching, cutting and smoking fish, native, language, making fish ice cream, and Elder stories. Wellness activities include Athabascan values, bullying, and suicide prevention, sources of strength, substance …

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Resolution 2017-11: Emergency Firefighter Employment

WHEREAS, Ruby and many villages in the TCC Region have an expertly trained Emergency Firefighter Crew; and WHEREAS, This past summer has yielded few threatening fires in Alaska, thus greatly affecting the employment of emergency firefighters; and WHEREAS, These emergency firefighters support their families and many others in their villages; and WHEREAS, These emergency firefighters are at the ready to leave sometimes with only …

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Resolution 2017-10: Jobs for Youth and Young Adults

WHEREAS, There are no legitimate jobs for young adults and youth under the age of eighteen in the rural communities; and WHEREAS, More jobs would lead to a higher population growth in both the youth and young adult populations, year round; and WHEREAS, Drugs and alcohol are becoming a recurring pastime with lack of activities and jobs; and WHEREAS, Increasing job opportunities will build …

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Resolution 2017-09: Boarding Schools

WHEREAS, Boarding schools are a painful reminder of the colonial education system of Indian Residential Schools which took children from our rural villages and away from their communities and families; and WHEREAS, Boarding schools break the cycle of children learning critical parenting skills during their teenage years from their parents and grandparents; and WHEREAS, Boarding schools draw students from many of our smaller …

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Resolution 2017-08: Quality of Education in the Villages

WHEREAS, The expectation of educators for the students in the villages is not the same standard for students in urban areas or the general population; and WHEREAS, Village schools have less access to internet, books, and other resources vital to students’ success; and WHEREAS, Students do not feel challenged because the curriculum is limited and does not meet the students’ needs; and WHEREAS, The …

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Resolution 2017-07: Grade Level Reading Proficiency

WHEREAS, Reading proficiency at the end of third grade is a huge predictor of high school graduation and career success, nationally. Third grade is the critical school year when the student focus changes from learning to read to reading to learn; and WHEREAS, In 2015, the National Assessment of Educational Progress for Grade 4 Reading found that for Alaska Native/American Indian students, 10% met …

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