Resolution 2018-07: Advocacy and Support for Permanent Reauthorization and Compact Funding for Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI)

WHEREAS, the Special Diabetes Program for Indian (SDPI) was established by Congress in 1997 to combat the diabetes epidemic among Alaska Natives and American Indians; and WHEREAS, the Special Diabetes Program for Indians is grant funded through the Indian Health Service and requires re-authorization by Congress every couple of years, with an annual nation-wide budget of $150 million that has not seen …

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Resolution 2017-13: Reclaiming Our People 3-Year Strategic Plan

WHEREAS, TCC delegates declared a War on Alcohol in the 1980s to address the epidemic of alcohol abuse and social issues throughout the TCC Region; and WHEREAS, Alcohol abuse and social issues decreased throughout the TCC Region after the War on Alcohol was implemented; and WHEREAS, At the 2012 TCC Annual Convention, 2nd Traditional Chief Trimble Gilbert expressed that the TCC Region is …

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