Village Specific Resolution: 2018-01 Upgrade of Village Council Facilities Project

WHEREAS, Chalkyitsik Village Council (CVC) is a federally recognized tribe and the sole governing body of Chalkyitsik; and WHEREAS, the CVC desires to develop a strategy to alleviate the high costs of energy within the community of Chalkyitsik; and WHEREAS, the CVC has determined that its residential homes and council facilities generate a high cost in electricity and heating oil; and WHEREAS, the Chalkyitsik …

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Resolution 2018-17: Support for Updating Alaska Habitat Laws to Protect Salmon Spawning and Rearing Areas

WHEREAS, Alaska Native Tribes depend upon salmon as a fundamental part of our social, cultural, economic, and spiritual wellbeing; and WHEREAS, access to sustainable healthy resources for our families and our people is critical to preserving our way of life; and WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) has made it a priority to protect our hunting and fishing resources for our …

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Resolution 2018-16: Canyon Village Traditional Land Selections

WHEREAS, Congress has historically failed to recognize the Tribe of Canyon Village Gwich’in as a federally recognized tribe, and has not restored the rights and lands of the Canyon Village Gwich’in; and WHEREAS, it is beholden upon the US Congress to recognize the Canyon Village Tribal Government and their right to lands and ability to generate economic development and self-government …

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Resolution 2018-15: TCC Reinstate the JOM Program in Tok

WHEREAS, Tok Native Association (TNA) is an entity made up of members of the Upper Tanana villages who reside within the boundaries of TNA; and WHEREAS, TNA has a number of students who are eligible under the Johnson-O’Malley (JOM) program; and WHEREAS, TNA use to have these funds for camps, beading classes, and native dancing group that benefited the youth; …

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Resolution 2018-14: Oncologist at Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center

WHEREAS, in order to achieve our vision of Healthy People Across Generations, TCC Health Services must provide for adequate cancer treatment options for patients; and WHEREAS, Alaska Native people are at higher risk for cancer than other races; and WHEREAS, currently, TCC Health Services medical staff works closely with oncologists at the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) and patients must travel …

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Resolution 2018-13: TWDS / Fee Agent Position in Tok

WHEREAS, Tok is a rural community that lacks jobs that families need to support their needs; and WHEREAS, Tok has clients on ASAP, but does not have the support or resources to get help in applications or signing off of mandatory paperwork that the TCC ASAP program requires; and WHEREAS, a new rural position will help fulfill the goal of …

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Resolution 2018-12: Establish a BIA General Assistance Program for the Native Community in Tok

WHEREAS, Tok Native Association (TNA) is a dually formed association made up of members of Upper Tanana Villages. All members are tribally enrolled in member villages: Tetlin, Northway, Eagle, Tanacross, Healy Lake, and Dot Lake; and WHEREAS, TNA has members that may benefit from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) general assistance program; and WHEREAS, this resolution will support the …

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Resolution 2018-11: Bringing Cell Phone Service to Tok-Alaska Border Highway Region

WHEREAS, the Alaskan Highway connects Canada to Alaska. Those who use the road include large commercial trucks, tourists, hunters, and local residents; and WHEREAS, from Canada to Tok, Alaska there currently lacks cell service and commuters have limited options to call for help in the event of an emergency which creates many safety issues for the area especially during times …

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Resolution 2018-10: Alaskan Tribal Communities Deserve Public Safety, Justice and Adequate Services

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference advocates for safe communities across Alaska. Rural villages have often been left out of adequate law enforcement, judicial resources, and subsequent services for decades. With the state fiscal crisis, recently there has been a reduction in rural troopers, village public safety officers, prosecutors and state magistrates as well as funding to provide adequate health and mental health …

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Resolution 2018-09: Protection of the Indian Child Welfare Act and Implementing Regulations

WHEREAS, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted in 1978 in response to a crisis affecting American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and tribes. Studies revealed that large numbers of Native children were being separated from their parents, extended families, and communities by state child welfare and private adoption agencies. In fact, research found that 25%–35% of all Native …

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