Resolution 2021-07: Thanking the Alaska Energy Authority and Denali Commission for critical energy infrastructure support

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and WHEREAS, The Interior of Alaska has been …

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Resolution 2018-17: Support for Updating Alaska Habitat Laws to Protect Salmon Spawning and Rearing Areas

WHEREAS, Alaska Native Tribes depend upon salmon as a fundamental part of our social, cultural, economic, and spiritual wellbeing; and WHEREAS, access to sustainable healthy resources for our families and our people is critical to preserving our way of life; and WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) has made it a priority to protect our hunting and fishing resources for our …

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Resolution 2018-09: Protection of the Indian Child Welfare Act and Implementing Regulations

WHEREAS, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted in 1978 in response to a crisis affecting American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and tribes. Studies revealed that large numbers of Native children were being separated from their parents, extended families, and communities by state child welfare and private adoption agencies. In fact, research found that 25%–35% of all Native …

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Resolution 2019-24: Authorizing Tanana Chiefs Conference to be the Tribal Energy Resource Development Organization (TERDO) and to Apply for BIA Funding Under the FY19 Tribal Economic Development Capacity Grant Program

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference currently works closely with interior …

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Resolution 2019-23: Establishing a Climate Change Advisory Committee

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and WHEREAS, TCC passed Resolution 2017-31 Climate Change Impacts to …

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