Village Specific Resolution: 2018-01 Upgrade of Village Council Facilities Project

WHEREAS, Chalkyitsik Village Council (CVC) is a federally recognized tribe and the sole governing body of Chalkyitsik; and

WHEREAS, the CVC desires to develop a strategy to alleviate the high costs of energy within the community of Chalkyitsik; and

WHEREAS, the CVC has determined that its residential homes and council facilities generate a high cost in electricity and heating oil; and

WHEREAS, the Chalkyitsik Village Council requires Tanana Chiefs Conference Board and staff assistance in seeking funding in the amount of $200,000.00 to upgrade the council facilities with solar panels on the washeteria and power plant and upgrade the existing water and sewer in the council office, clinic, community hall and washeteria buildings.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chalkyitsik Village Council hereby certifies that it has received and considered citizen comments and hereby declares that the planned Renovation/Upgrade of village council facilities project which is essential to the health and safety of village residents and is of need; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chalkyitsik Village Council hereby respectfully requests Tanana Chiefs Conference assistance in seeking funding in the amount of $200,000.00 for Renovation/Upgrade of Village Council Facilities Project which is essential to the health and safety of the village residents.

Submitted by: Chalkyitsik Village Council


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