Resolution 2017-20: Canyon Village Traditional Land Selections

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WHEREAS, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to their traditional homelands by establishing Alaska Native corporations to receive and manage settlement lands and funds; and

WHEREAS, The purpose of ANCSA was to settle the land claims of Alaska Natives and to provide them with the means to pursue economic development for their benefit; and

WHEREAS, The Alaska Native community of Canyon Village was recognized as a group under ANCSA and was eligible to receive the land it had used habitually since 1958. Canyon Village however, did not receive this land due in part to an error by the federal government; and

WHEREAS, Canyon Village and its 100-plus descendants are currently supporting legislation introduced in the 115th Congress to finalize their land selection rights; and

WHEREAS, The future success of this community and its descendants is predicated on the use of traditional lands for housing, gathering, and subsistence; and

WHEREAS, The TCC Full Board of Directors previously passed Resolution No. 84- 33 in 1984 directing TCC to assist Canyon Village to have its land conveyance by the land site trustee completed as soon as possible; and

WHEREAS, The directives of Resolution No. 84-33 are no longer available administratively, but must now pass through federal legislation.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors supports the efforts of Canyon Village to urge Congress to authorize the final conveyance of Canyon Village traditional land selections to Kian Tr’ee, the ANCSA village corporation for Canyon Village.

Submitted by: Yukon Flats Subregion


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