Resolution 2020-14: Youth Request to Improve Village Public Safety

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and WHEREAS, There are a lot of problems …

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Resolution 2017-10: Jobs for Youth and Young Adults

WHEREAS, There are no legitimate jobs for young adults and youth under the age of eighteen in the rural communities; and WHEREAS, More jobs would lead to a higher population growth in both the youth and young adult populations, year round; and WHEREAS, Drugs and alcohol are becoming a recurring pastime with lack of activities and jobs; and WHEREAS, Increasing job opportunities will build …

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Resolution 2017-08: Quality of Education in the Villages

WHEREAS, The expectation of educators for the students in the villages is not the same standard for students in urban areas or the general population; and WHEREAS, Village schools have less access to internet, books, and other resources vital to students’ success; and WHEREAS, Students do not feel challenged because the curriculum is limited and does not meet the students’ needs; and WHEREAS, The …

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Resolution 2017-06: Preserving Our Cultural Activities

WHEREAS, The 2017 Youth Delegates request more cultural activities in the villages; and WHEREAS, Some villages do not have Native dance groups, most people do not know their songs and dances; and WHEREAS, Preserving our cultural activities will guide future generations; and WHEREAS, Learning the traditional transportation methods of making snowshoes, dog sleds, and traditional canoes will support healthy active lifestyles; and WHEREAS, Our traditional …

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