Resolution 2017-10: Jobs for Youth and Young Adults

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WHEREAS, There are no legitimate jobs for young adults and youth under the age of eighteen in the rural communities; and

WHEREAS, More jobs would lead to a higher population growth in both the youth and young adult populations, year round; and

WHEREAS, Drugs and alcohol are becoming a recurring pastime with lack of activities and jobs; and

WHEREAS, Increasing job opportunities will build responsibility and work ethic for the communities’ youth and young adults who are the future leaders; and

WHEREAS, Youth and young adults involved in the rural work force will not only build a stronger knit community but also bring back the graduates who left; and

WHEREAS, Job opportunities for the youth and young adults would not only keep youth and young adults busy and out of trouble, it would teach them responsibility and build work ethic; and

WHEREAS, Preparing youth and young adults with job experience and job resumes through internships and job shadowing is beneficial to their future.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors hereby directs staff to seek funding for and help provide, subject to the availability of funds, more year-round job opportunities for youth and young adults, which is vital to ensure future growth in our rural communities.

Submitted by: Youth Delegates


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