Resolution 2017-08: Quality of Education in the Villages

WHEREAS, The expectation of educators for the students in the villages is not the same standard for students in urban areas or the general population; and

WHEREAS, Village schools have less access to internet, books, and other resources vital to students’ success; and

WHEREAS, Students do not feel challenged because the curriculum is limited and does not meet the students’ needs; and

WHEREAS, The lack of specialized instructors results in low quality  courses for every grade level; and

WHEREAS, Graduation rates are decreasing; and

WHEREAS, Students in the villages are not being valued equally to urban students in regards to the student count; and

WHEREAS, Students entering college from the villages are in a higher number of remedial classes than their urban counterparts; and

WHEREAS, There is a low enrollment rate and a high dropout rate of Alaska Native students in college.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors hereby directs staff to assist the village schools in seeking funding, subject to the availability of funds, for tutors, sports, and distance education courses for the students.

Submitted by:  Youth Delegates


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