Resolution 2018-43: Expanding Spring Moose Hunts for Local Hunters

WHEREAS, the Tanana Chiefs Conference created the Hunting and Fishing Task Force (Task Force) in 2014 to implement a strategic plan to impact laws to provide for the continuance of Native hunting and fishing activities; and WHEREAS, the Task Force has created numerous training opportunities for individuals and tribes to change federal and state regulations; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska Constitution does …

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Resolution 2018-42: Cutting of Moose Antlers

WHEREAS, the only check station in the whole state that requires you to cut off half of your antler on one side and turn it in with your harvest ticket; and WHEREAS, this is taking income away from us, we can get up to $9 a pound for good antlers and about half that price for one sawed in half; and WHEREAS, we …

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