Resolution 2018-33: Participate in the Alaska Tribal Unity

WHEREAS, there exists a need for all tribes of Alaska to unify their voice because all too often important policy decisions are developed without Alaska tribes at the table and small tribes often do not have a voice; and

WHEREAS, the Alaska Tribal Unity provides a forum to promote and advocate tribal issues both on a state and federal level; and

WHEREAS, we are stronger when we speak with a united voice to protect and promote our cultural, economic and political interests; and

WHEREAS, focused tribal advocacy as directed by Alaska tribes will be a powerful tool in state, national and international forums; and

WHEREAS, the annual Alaska Tribal Unity gathering of tribes develops priorities of regional and nationwide significance; and

WHEREAS, the Alaska Tribal Unity can track boards, committees, councils or work groups for Alaska individuals representing Alaska tribes in state and nationwide forums; and

WHEREAS, there are 230 federally recognized tribes in Alaska, 37 of which are in the Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) region; and

WHEREAS, TCC tribal governments have not been represented adequately in the Tribal Unity Gathering.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Full Board of Directors requests each of the tribes within the TCC region to participate in the Alaska Tribal Unity to strengthen our Alaskan tribal voice; and

BE IT FURTHERED RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors shall support the efforts of the Alaska Tribal Unity group.

Submitted by: Yukon Koyukuk Subregion


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