Resolution 2018-20: Request to Amend Article Seven of the TCC Bylaws

WHEREAS, the Emerging Leaders Youth Advisory Council was formed at the 2017 Tanana Chiefs Conference Annual Convention. It is shown in the Emerging Leaders Youth Advisory Council Bylaws that The Youth Advisor on the Executive Board serves as the Chairman to the Emerging Leaders; and

WHEREAS, the Youth Advisor seat on the Executive Board is meant to update the Executive Board on youth efforts, accomplishments, hardships in communities, give opinion on issues, and present quarterly progress of the Youth Advisory Council; and

WHEREAS, the Emerging Leaders keep the Youth Advisor to the Executive Board accountable by ensuring they are provided agendas, deadlines, and advocacy items pertaining to the youth in the Tanana Chiefs Conference Region; and

WHEREAS, the Emerging Leaders have more knowledge on who active leaders are in their communities, regions, and villages. Their desire is that the Youth Advisor will be engaged, dedicated, and motivated to advocate for the youth of the TCC region to the Executive Board.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors amend article Seven in the TCC Bylaws to allow the Emerging Leaders Youth Advisory Council to elect their chairman as the Youth Advisor to the Executive Board; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the youth need a strong voice in Tanana Chiefs Conference Leadership for that reason the Emerging Leaders Youth Council will utilize a similar election process to Denakkanaaga to elect who represents them to the Tanana Chiefs Executive Board.

Submitted by: Kaltag Traditional Council and Emerging Leaders


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