Resolution 2019-17: Patient Mileage Reimbursement

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and

WHEREAS, TCC has member villages both on the road system and only accessible by boat and airplanes; and

WHEREAS, current reimbursements for patient travel are actually below the federally allowable rates; and

WHEREAS, currently, patients using POV only receive a set price for fuel.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors change policies to set patient mileage/ POV rates to be based on actual current fuel prices (updated at least quarterly) in the community that travel originates. In addition, these rates should not fall below the federal safe harbor rate set by the IRS for medical travel.

Submitted by: Tok Native Association


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