Resolution 2018-06: Oppose the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project / Road

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is the regional tribal non-profit organization for the interior region, and represents 37 are federally recognized tribes and five Alaska Native associations, and as such, serves more than 13,000 Alaska Natives across 235,000 square miles; and

WHEREAS, the duty of Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC), a tribally driven entity, is to provide human and social services to tribal members, including primary health care, federal contract services with and for tribal governments, wild food programs, policy directives and guidance as well as advocacy when called upon, and for preservation of our indigenous way of life for future generations; and

WHEREAS, the TCC Strategic Plan calls for strong leadership, communication and advocacy with its tribes collaborating with federal, and state agencies’ proposals for planning or impacting traditional homeland use areas; and

WHEREAS, no relationship is more valuable to Alaska Natives than that with their natural environment and everything contained within, including animals, marine life, forests, plants, water and air – both surface and subsurface; and

WHEREAS, the member tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference have an interest in the preservation of our land, cultures, and peoples. Since time immemorial, our people have subsisted in our region and have depended on healthy land, healthy water, and healthy fish and wildlife resources to support our subsistence way of life. No relationship is more valuable to Alaska Natives than that with their natural environment and everything contained within, including animals, marine life, forests, plants, water and air – both surface and subsurface; and

WHEREAS, as tribes, we have an inherent human right to continue our hunting and fishing practices and traditional way of live. We have been successful stewards of this environment and these natural and cultural resources for thousands of years; and 

WHEREAS, our elders have taught us to think beyond the present and measure the effects into the future, to future generations. We have trust and responsibility to the generations that will follow us. Our subsistence resources guarantee our way of life and culture will continue for future generations; and;

WHEREAS, Denakkanaaga, the voice for Native elders in the Doyon and Tanana Chiefs Conference regions of Interior Alaska believes that the proposed Ambler Road Project will have a negative impact on Native subsistence ways and lands within Interior Alaska; and 

WHEREAS, multiple mining companies are stalking claims in the Ambler mining district. Mining for mere financial gain poses new threats to the survival of our natural and cultural resources and our people. Those mining companies are exploring for sulfide minerals, which will create acid that has the potential to pollute our lands and waters with result toxic heavy metals; and

WHEREAS, the TCC Board of Directors affirms that they have reviewed the application for the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project/Road (AMDIAP/R), the proposed routes and heard testimony from member villages and tribal councils with their comments on recognizing the need to preserve their indigenous way of life for future generations.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference Full Board of Directors (TCCFBD) opposes current plans to build the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project/Road, alternatives A and B; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD recognizes and affirms the concerns raised by member tribes as provided in public testimony during the formal NEPA EIS for the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project/Road, as well as testimony and comments submitted to Alaska Industrial Economic and Development Council (AIDEA) prior to the formal NEPA EIS process, not addressed in the NEPA Application; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD supports its member villages, as well as other residents, to advance and uphold the integrity of their lands, communities and environments and ensure that their livelihood  and homelands are honored and not impacted or undermined by the proposed AMDIAP/R; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that TCCFBD encourages ongoing formal and regular consultation with appropriate agencies at the discretion of the tribal government; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD calls upon State and Federal Agencies, such as:

a. the BLM and NPS to consult diligently with those communities and allow them the opportunity to fully understand the scope of the project while genuinely hearing the response from rural communities, as laid out in the submission letter by TCC to the NEPA EIS scoping session; and

b. AIDEA for the full and meaningful inclusion of interior Alaska Native tribes, into the entire project approval process inclusive of State agency and departmental process, such as, but not limited to the RAC and AIDEA Board; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD calls upon AMDIAP/R project partners and financers, in the event that the AMDIAP/R advances, to:

a. provide for progressive and relevant benefit’s for the interior region, with relevancy criteria being determined by tribal government’s or their chosen representative; and

b. ensure the full and effective participation of Alaska Natives in all aspects of environmental protections and mitigation measures, set forth for the AMDIAP/R, as well as any mines constructed within or adjacent to the TCC region, that may impact the socio-ecological social economy and/or health and wellbeing of its 13,000 tribal residents; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD calls upon the President and staff of TCC to pursue a strategic plan in the event that the tribal concerns are
not sufficient in preventing the construction of the AMDIAP/R so as to ensure the mission of TCC endures, including the protection of its land for the use and occupancy for future generations, by way of ensuring project benefits for the region are provided for, and/or assured, through formal contracts and/or agreements with project partners, financers, and State and Federal representatives; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the TCCFBD reaffirms its commitment to protect all the watersheds of our indigenous territories which includes, the Koyukuk River, the Alatna River, the John River and the Henshaw River which continue into the Yukon River Watershed and the Bering Sea; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tanana Chiefs Conference seek to educate not only our tribal citizens but all citizens as to our collective fiduciary trust responsibility to all future generations to protect our natural resources, our environment, our subsistence resources, and our way of life; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Tanana Chiefs Conference oppose any futureroads to Ambler or surrounding territory.

Submitted by: Resolutions Committee


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