Michelle Quillin – New TRSP Outreach Coordinator

As the rising concern over the decline of salmon populations in Alaska’s river systems becomes a priority for Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC), the Tribal Resource Stewardship Program (TRSP) recently hired a second Outreach Coordinator. Michelle Quillin is from Hut’odlee Kkaakk’et/Hughes. She holds a Baccalaureate of Science degree from the Wildlife Biology and Conservation degree program at University of Alaska Fairbanks, and endeavors to bring the voice of Alaska Native subsistence needs, culture, and way of life to the Board of Fish and Board of Game conversations. “It’s my job to decolonize those spaces full of deeply rooted colonized institutions,” she asserts, “And try to Indigenize the way we manage our resources.”

Michelle recalls a lifetime desire to become a Wildlife Biologist/Manager, with ambitions to join the Board of Fish and the Board of Game. “We need more scientists, and we especially need more Alaska Natives filling up those seats,” she says. She feels that her example will also serve to help usher in a new generation of Indigenous youth leaders with strong voices. “Kids are natural scientists,” she says, “Always curious and asking questions about everything. I hope we can foster that in our Indigenous youth and mentor them into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers.

Michelle has a deeply ingrained history of practicing her Indigenous culture and traditions. Of her lifestyle, she recalls most fondly learning beadwork, berry picking, and gardening with her mom and grandmothers Madeline Williams, late grandmother Sophie Beatus, and the late Denise Hardesty.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Michelle! Along with the rest of the TRSP team, TCC feels extremely fortunate and equipped to have our voice heard by the State of Alaska.

If you are interested in how you can become involved in the collective voice for Tribal Resource Stewardship, get in touch with the TRSP at (907) 452-8251, ext. 3109, or by email at TRSP@tananachiefs.org