Firearm Safety

 While you are at the range or in the field this moose season, be sure to make safety your main priority by following the five rules of gun safety:

  1. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded.
  2. Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until ready to shoot.
  3. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  4. Be sure of your target; what is beyond and around it?
  5. Always wear appropriate eye and ear protection while shooting your firearm.

Please remember to store unloaded firearms in a lockable safe and store ammunition in a separate secured location when not in use.


For more information on Health & Safety contact:

Division of Wellness & Prevention Health & Safety Program

Call us: 1.800.478.6822 • (907) 452.8251 Ext 3420

Email us: