Careers FAQ

If you are having trouble viewing available jobs, you may need to clear your browser history before searching.

Join our job board to be able to:

  • Save a profile with your information to reduce the time needed to apply for additional jobs
  • Update resumes and other documents
  • Receive targeted recruitment related emails

A link to the Job Board can be found at the bottom of this page.

Creating an Account/Logging In

To log into or create an account, the login screen is located on the right side of the Home Page:

  1. Find the correct button as indicated below if you are a new applicant registering or a previous employee of TCC. Click on the applicable button to continue.
  2. If you are currently registered, sign in with your credentials.  However, if you have forgotten your email address, click on the indicated hyperlink to send a notification requesting the correct email address. If you have forgotten your password, click on the “forget your password?” link. Your password will be reset and available for change.

Searching/Adding to Basket/Applying

You have the ability to search for jobs using the search functionality as well as using filters.

  • To view job details click the IRC link on the left side of the job posting.
  • You can also add jobs to your basket to save them for quicker access later.
  • When ready click the “Apply Now” button to fill out your job application.

If you have any questions or need help with the application process you can reach the Tanana Chiefs Conference HR team at 907-452-8251 ext. 3465, or 3567.