- Tanana Chiefs Conference - https://www.tananachiefs.org -

Resolution 2020-18: Expand Broadband to Increase Distance Learning Opportunities for the TCC Region

WHEREAS, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is an Alaska Native tribal health and social services consortium established by the Interior Alaska tribes and tribal communities, to provide a unified voice in advancing sovereign tribal governments through the promotion of physical and mental wellness, education, socioeconomic development and culture of the Interior Alaska Native; and

WHEREAS, Education is a high priority for our Alaska Native people and currently education is currently underfunded by the State of Alaska; and

WHEREAS, Improvements in basic core subjects such as reading, math and science need to be improved in many of our rural schools; and

WHEREAS, Expanded broadband increases student’s access to curriculum opportunities provided online; and
WHEREAS, Students in rural villages can participate in unlimited degree programs that are available online, including online degree programs supported by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks; and

WHEREAS, It is important for our students to have the option to remain in their village to continue living their traditional lifestyle, which helps prevent outmigration and the continuity of our culture; and

WHEREAS, The ability to continue education in the villages allows students to maintain their support system, which is an important factor for student success.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tanana Chiefs Conference work on providing an expansion of broadband, so that distant learning classes with the University of Alaska and through special organizations such as Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP): STEM can offer a higher level of education for our rural schools in the Tanana Chiefs Conference Region.

Submitted by: Tanana Tribal Council


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